//MISS HANshima

Saturday 29 October 2011 @ 17:10 | 0 Comment [s]


MEANING : The act of expounding, setting forth, or explaining: the exposition of a point of view.
An exposition is the groundwork or backstory of a book, and it builds up to the first few chapters and supplies info that characters in the book may reference later.
EXAMPLE : Twelve Angry Men . The entire play/movie is the jury deliberations at a murder trial - the viewer sees nothing of the trial itself, so all the details of the case are delivered trough the jury's discussions, so naturally there's a lot if exposition and while i'm not sure I'd call it hidden or subtle it's always done very naturally and never feels contrived or forced .


MEANING : The rising action of a plot is the series of events that build up and create tension and suspense. This tension is a result of the basic conflict that exists and makes the story interesting.

EXAMPLE : The rising action can be identified as the ingredients that complicate matters in a plot. We will see rising action in any story, from a complex novel to a simple children's story. For example, the rising action in The Three Little Pigs takes place as the pigs set out on their own and begin to make their own decisions.

We know that the first two individuals are asking for trouble when they choose unsound materials to build houses. These decisions (along with the wolf who lurks in the background) create an air of tension that mounts as the story progresses. Things get more and more exiting and tense each time the wolf blows down a house! The action builds toward an ultimate showdown between pigs and wolf.

In literature, the rising action comprises all the decisions, background circumstances, and character flaws that combine to create twists and turns toward a climax.


MEANING : The highest or most intense point in the development or resolution of something; culmination: His career reached its climax when he was elected president.

(in a dramatic or literary work) a decisive moment that is of maximum intensity or is a major turning point in a plot.


a figure consisting of a series of related ideas so arranged that each surpasses the preceding in force or intensity.

the last term or member of this figure.

an orgasm.

Ecology. the stable and self-perpetuating end stage in the ecological succession or evolution of a plant and animal community

EXAMPLE : The climax can be the most exiting part of the story: Aladdin for example, when he meets the genie and makes the wishes, that's the climax.


Twilight ~ The nomad vampires, (Laurent, Victoria and James) have found Bella with Edward. James picks up the scent of her blood, and he wants it more than anything else. He knows that the cullens will not allow him to kill her, which gives him more pleasure, as for it is a challenge for him. Bella must leave her dad, for his protection, while the Cullens must try to save her life. James meets up with Bella in a ballet studio, where she comes alone, and thinks her mother is there. James puts her through all sorts of torture, when edward shows up, but its almost too late, James has biten her wrist, putting venom into her blood.


MEANING : Falling action is the part of a literary plot that occurs after the climax has been reached and the conflict has been resolved.

EXAMPLE : Falling action is when is the sequence of events that follow the climax and end in the resolution. example: In "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone," by J.K. Rowling, the falling action occurs after the climax of Professor Snape's apparent hex upon Harry during the Quidditch match: Harry, Ron, and Hermione learn about the Sorcerer&'s Stone; Voldemort attacks Harry in the Forbidden Forest; and Harry faces Professor Quirrell and Voldemort.


MEANING : Resolution is the term used to describe the number of dots, or pixels, used to display an image.

Higher resolutions mean that more pixels are used to create the image, resulting in a crisper, cleaner image.

The display, or resolution on a monitor, is composed of thousands of pixels or dots. This display is indicated by a number combination, such as 800 x 600. This indicates that there are 800 dots horizontally across the monitor, by 600 lines of dots vertically, equaling 480,000 dots that make up the image you see on the screen.

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